Daniel Hastings
Dr. Daniel Hastings has been the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department Head at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 2019-2023. He has also served as the Associate Department Head for Research, 1993-1996; Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1993-present; Professor, Engineering Systems, 2000-2015; Director, Technology and Policy Program, 2000 – 2003; Associate Director & Co-Director, Engineering Systems Division, 2000-2004; Director, Engineering Systems Division, 2004-2005; Dean for Undergraduate Education, 2006-2013; Chief Executive Officer and Director Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2014-2018.
During his time at MI, Dr. Hastings served as the Chief Scientist of the Air Force, 1997-1999; NRC Government Industry University Roundtable, 2000-2003; Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 1993-1997 and 2000- 2009; Chair, Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab S&T Advisory Panel, 2001- 201O; NASA Advisory Council, 2001-2003; National Science Board, 2002-2008; National Academy of Engineering, Committee of the Engineer 2020, 2001-2006; Draper Corporation, 2006-2019; Board of Trustees of Aerospace Corp, 2000-2009, 2010-2019; Intelligence Science Board, 2010-2013; NRC Air Force Studies Board, 2011-2019; AAAS Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, 2008-2013.
Dr. Hastings holds specialization and research interests in synergetic interactions between space systems and the space environment, space propulsion, space policy, space systems, spacecraft manufacturing processes, and space system architecting. He has teaching interests in space systems design, space policy, satellite engineering, technology and policy.
Dr. Hastings received a B.A. from Oxford University in 1976, a S.M. (1978), and a Ph.D. (1980) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology