Miriam John
Dr. John is serving in various consulting and board roles since her retirement as Vice President of Sandia’s California Laboratory in Livermore, California. During her Sandia career, she worked on a wide variety of programs, including nuclear weapons, chemical and biological defense, missile defense, solar energy, and provided leadership for several of the laboratory’s energy, national security, biosciences and homeland security programs.
She was a long time member of the DoD’s Defense Science Board (DSB) and until its recent stand-down, Vice Chairman of its Threat Reduction Advisory Committee (TRAC). She has been tapped to co-chair a new permanent subcommittee of the DSB for WMD threat reduction. She supports USSTRATCOM as a member of the Bomber Task Force of the STRATCOM Advisory Committee. She has participated in the strategic review of DOE/NNSA’s Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Program chartered by the NNSA Administrator. She is also a past member of the National Academies’ Intelligence Community Studies Board, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, Naval Studies Board, and a member of its Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group.
Dr. John is a member of the Board of Advisors for MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and of the Mission Committee of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Board of Governors, overseeing the major programs of both laboratories. She serves on the Dean’s advisory board for the School of Science and Engineering and chairs the Advisory Board for the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Tulane University. She is a member of the External Advisory Board of the DOE sponsored, UC Berkeley led Nuclear Science and Security Consortium. She is a past member of the Board of Directors for SAIC and for Leidos.
She was elected to the National Academy of Engineering and appointed a National Associate of the National Academies. She is the recipient of the Navy’s Superior Public Service Award, the Air Force’s Meritorious Civilian Service Medal and DoD’s prestigious Eugene G. Fubini Award for her “highly significant contributions to the Department of Defense in an advisory capacity over a sustained period of time.” She has also been awarded the John S. Foster, Jr., Medal for “exceptional leadership in scientific, technical, and engineering development and policy formulation in support of U.S. nuclear security.” She has been recognized as an “Outstanding Alumna” of Tulane University and a “Distinguished Alumna” of Rice University.
Education: B.S. Chemistry, Rice University; M.Eng. Chemical Engineering, Tulane University; PhD, Chemical Engineering, Princeton University; Post-Doctoral Fellow, Organization of America States at Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas